04 Februari 2009

What is Beta Version ?

'Beta' is a software for that has passed the alpha testing stage of development and have been released for users to test software before its official release. Beta software allows for testing with the user and the user is expected to provide feedback, so that each user find the malfunction in the software can be reported to the software developer. Beta software can be unstable and could cause a crash or loss of data.

Beta Version is the first version released to the public or community organizations that develop software, for evaluation purposes, or even can go to torrent sites. The process where a released beta software usually called Beta Release. Beta level software generally includes all features, but can also cover issues and bugs that have not improved.

Beta software may be useful for internal groups and demonstrate the software to the customer to select, but not yet stable and not ready for released. Some developers see this as the initial stage, a prototype, technical preview (TP) or as an early access. As a second stage in the main before the official release, after the alpha stage, namely the beta phase, which is the second letter in the Greek alphabet.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org

4 komentar:

didiet mengatakan...

terus blognya didin ini masih tahp beta dong ya

didin mengatakan...

iya nih, tapi saya nggak yakin mau di upgrade kayaknya sih beta version terus :)

billy mengatakan...

knapa bukan bete version

Johanas mengatakan...

keren ! Beta bisa tau ,hahahaha :d

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